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آنچه می توانید از 7 داستان موفقیت آمیز تم آمیز یاد بگیرید

لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی با تولید سادگی نامفهوم از صنعت چاپ و با استفاده از طراحان گرافیک برای چاپگرها و متون بلکه روزنامه و مجله در ستون و سطرآنچنان که لازم است

Compressible lithium calcium grease

By |October 17, 2023|Categories: 1|

Lithium calcium compressible grease is a multi-purpose grease for industrial use in extremely hard conditions and a wide temperature range. This grease[...]

chain oil

October 17, 2023|0 Comments

Lubrication with high thermal stability, which uses special additives to lubricate the chains of baking ovens under high temperature conditions.[...]

Calcium grease

October 17, 2023|0 Comments

Calcium grease is used for lubrication of bearings, axial connections, sliding beds and steering gears of industrial devices in medium[...]

Aluminum wire drawing oil (ALD)

October 17, 2023|0 Comments

This especially lubricant produced from the best refinery base oils and special additives in different grades. Appropriate grade of this[...]

Aluminum cold rolling oil

October 17, 2023|0 Comments

This oil is prepared using a special cut of linear hydrocarbons and special additives to meet the requirements of the[...]

Machine tool oil(k)

By |October 8, 2023|Categories: 1|Tags: |

This lubricant is produced with the appropriate formulation of the best mineral base oils of refineries, for the lubrication of sliding systems, hydraulics and types[...]

Machine tool oil(M)

By |October 8, 2023|Categories: 1|Tags: |

this lubricant with appropriate formulation produced form the best refinery mineral base oils and special additives.this lubricant is used for lubrication of machine tools. Average[...]


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